Bonding Technology Overview
Through polishing monocrystalline and polycrystalline SiC substrates, bonding them after ion doping and then thermally splitting them, we form a thin monocrystalline layer on top of a polycrystalline substrate.

Direct Bonded Substrate Superiority
We are able to contribute to improving your products and processes through the numerous characteristics shown in the image on the right.
Reference: Presentation at 2019 Advanced Power Semiconductors Subcommittee, titled "Device characteristics of SBD with Low Cost Direct Bonding Method SiC Wafer"
Reference: Presentation at 2020 Advanced Power Semiconductors Subcommittee, titled "Annealing-free ohmic realized by bonded SiC substrate"
Reference: Presentation at 2020 Advanced Power Semiconductors Subcommittee, titled "I-V characteristics of power devices fabricated on bonded substrate of 3C-SiC poly crystal and 4H-SiC single crystal"
Reference: Presentation at 2022 Advanced Power Semiconductors Subcommittee, titled "Evaluation of Forward Bias Degradation in 4H-SiC PiN Diodes Fabricated on 4H-SiC Bonded Substrates"